"Today is the eighth day of the month. Tomorrow is the thirteenth." ~Zen proverb Visit: https://everythingastory.com "EVERYTHING is a F*cking STORY" a recent #1 Amazon Hot …
Time: The Priceless Asset
"When you don't have goals, you're telling the universe that you don't really value your time." Even if a person has no money, no job, and only fair health, they possess the one …
S655: One Stroke at a Time
"Bring your energy to the here and now.” ~Roz Savage For this Mind Bullet Monday, we explore the idea of taking things one stroke at a time. A little backstory: Eco-activist …
Time! (S5: 19)
"We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next 10. Don't let yourself be lulled into …
Making The Time to R.E.L.A.X.
It seems everyone I know is "super-busy" and so many people are stressed-out... the question is, how many of them are making time to RELAX. “The best time to relax is when you …
28 Days!
"A key idea behind habit tracking is to use the week's rhythm. Thus, 28 days, not 30 days, should be the tracking period for each habit." Many authors and behavior change …
"You are born alone and you will die alone." This week we investigate aloneness. Aloneness is different from loneliness. MG discusses a book he read in the early '90s while …
John Rossman Interview – The Amazon Way
"People don't improve by hearing, 'Good job!'" Habits 2 Goals rings in 2023 with an educational and entertaining interview featuring John Rossman. John is the author of the …
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