"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." ~ Dalai Lama On this Fantastic Frequently Asked Friday episode, we …
Resistance (S5: 17)
"What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size." ~ Carl Jung Is frustration and futility really worth …
Garbage In, Garbage Out (S5: 07)
"In computer science, garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) is where flawed, or nonsense input data produces nonsense output or …
What Is the Aim of Life? (S5: 06)
"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life; the whole aim and end of human existence . . . Our happiness depends …
Meditation and Prayer: What’s the Difference? (S4: 36)
"Prayer is you speaking to God. Meditation is allowing the spirit to speak to you." ~Deepak Chopra Mantras? Levitation? …
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S3-18: MBM – Learning Mastery!
"We do not learn, and that what we call learning is only a process of recollection." ~Plato It seems we address certain types of …
S02-INT10: Andrew Ferebee: The Evolution of Knowledge For Men
"I was just doing it for myself. I was coming out of a break up and I had just quit my job and I was in a place of pain... it was …
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S02-Mind Bullet Monday 09: The Great Eight That Separate!
Nobody has more than twenty-four hours, yet some people get far ahead of others. "If everyone requires eight hours of sleep to be …
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