"Chances are good that you are exactly where you are because that is where you want to be..." Quick question: "What do you think …
S4-17: Nir Eyal: From Hooked to Indistractable
"These are two industries (gaming & advertising), let's face it, that are dependent upon changing your behavior; they have to …
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S4-14: Bing Bush Jr: How to be the Real You
"Success is loving yourself authentically and living from that space..." ~Bing Bush Jr. What hasn't Bing Bush Jr. done? Attorney, …
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S4-12: How can I overcome challenges?
"Our energy flows where our attention goes..." Today's FAF (Frequently Asked Friday) is: "How can I overcome challenges of the …
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S4-09: Why did you write The Pressure Paradox?
"Pressure like habit is neither good nor bad. It's a neutral, super-natural force. Pressure may be the greatest creative force in …
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S4-05: Jairek Robbins: Putting Purpose into Action!
"I don't think it's about finding purpose... it's about taking what you're already doing and putting purpose into it." ~Jairek …
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S4-03: What Makes a Good Habit (Part Deux)
"Habit is neither good nor bad... it's a neutral force we can either craft intentionally to serve our goals or they will form …
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S4-05: Roz Savage: An Ocean of Purpose
"There was nothing in that work that fed my soul and I can remember... I just felt like my soul was dying" ~Roz Roz Savage holds …
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