"There are only three requirements for success. First, decide exactly what it is you want in life. Second, determine the price you …
The Moment
"No one told you when to run, you've missed the starting gun." ~Pink Floyd On this in-between-seasons ("tweener") Mind Bullet …
S660: Mindfulness vs. Habit, Part II
"Conscious breathing is my anchor." ~Thich Nhat Hahn Today's Frequently Asked Friday (FAF) picks up where last Friday's …
S659: 2020 Vision & Wellness, BONUS Episode
This bonus sixth episode continues where episode 5, Mindset, left off, answering the critical question: How do I develop the GRIT …
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S658: Programmed
"You are the programmer... you are responsible. Write the program." ~Stephen R. Covey Today's Mind Bullet Monday explores the …
S656: 2020 Vision & Wellness, #5
"Begin with a grit mindset that constitutes healthy habits of thought.” Episode #5, the final chapter of our 2020 Vision …
S646: Overwhelm
"The man who moves mountains begins by carrying small stones.” ~Confucius Overwhelm by definition is to "bury or drown by a …
S643: Overthinking
"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~Martin Luther King Jr. Overthinking is often the …