"The universe is absolutely perfect. Everything you could want or envision already exists. But until you start out on the path, …
S629: Greg Rex
"You can be the strongest, most limber guy in the world, but if you don't know how to go with the flow, you'll get rejected every …
S626: Mark Schmid
"When you quiet the mind and think about developing a product, you realize there has to be a big idea behind the niche space …
S623: Drew Boyles
"Getting through failures and coming out the other side makes you that much more confident — and believable to others." ~Drew …
S620: Kevin Daum
"As a businessman and a human, I have every opportunity to start fresh, take advantage of new opportunities, and to attack life …
S619: Culture
"Shaping your own personal culture means identifying your values and crafting an environment that is aligned to those …
S611: Paul Reynolds
"Put yourself in the shoes of others and make it part of your core values; it's the basis of customer-centered ideology." ~Paul …
S605: David Rendall
"What makes us weird also makes us wonderful. What makes us weak also makes us strong." ~David Rendall Habits2Goals is proud to …