Today's FAF (Frequently Asked Friday): "How can I be happy in a world gone crazy?" Pollution, war, moral bankruptcy, …
S4: 25: Comfort Whore?
"No man is free who cannot command himself." ~ Epictetus "Through discipline comes freedom." ~ Aristotle Today's Mind-Bullet …
S4: 23 Hal Elrod: The Miracle Morning
"How you start your day is arguably the single-most important determining factor in how you live your day... and how you live your …
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S4-20: David Katz: The Plastic Bank
"Who can't become more than they are today?" ~David Katz David Katz grew up on a small island off Vancouver, British …
S4-17: Nir Eyal: From Hooked to Indistractable
"These are two industries (gaming & advertising), let's face it, that are dependent upon changing your behavior; they have to …
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S4-15: What’s the Best Way to Build a Good Habit?
"Good habits happen when planned; bad habits happen on their own." ~Grunburg Today's FAF (Frequently Asked Friday) "What's the …
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S4-11: Fred Gratzon: The Lazy Way to Success
"You can recognize truth by its beauty and simplicity." ~Dr. Richard Feynman "I am lazy and anti-authoritarian. I have a short …
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S4-10: Hyper-Effective Personal Growth Begins Here.
"All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone." ~Blaise Pascal How over-stimulated are you? Most …
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